4 powerful reflections for your marriage

We are two different people...

These reflections are best if both partners use them. Marriage is hard work and something that we miss out often is that ‘happily ever after does not mean there are no fights or disagreements.

The best relationship experts all agree on this one thing. There will be down times and how couples treat each other in these situations is one of the most important keys to a long-lasting relationship.

We wish you love, warmth and understanding in yours. May these reflections provide reassurance and inspiration.


1. My relationship is long-lasting and full of love.

My partner and I gain a new perspective on life by sharing our lives together.

We share many interests and add vibrancy to our lives with our love.

I respect my partner’s individuality and boundaries. My partner does the same for me.


2. While we are similar in many ways, we are also different and separate human

We actively try to understand and support each other. We avoid trying to control the other.

Our communication is healthy, honest, and considerate.

I feel comfortable in sharing my issues and concerns. We find common ground. Shame and blame are absent from our relationship.


3. Major decisions are made together as a team.

Our values align very closely. We have similar attitudes on the most important

When we have differences, though, we spend the necessary time to reach an agreement.

We are able to let go of any resentment toward each other and move forward with our lives.


4. I understand that relationships are about change and transition.

The twists and turns of life lead the way to the next adventure.

Today, I appreciate my relationship all the more. I make it a priority to do all I can to strengthen it.

My relationship is long-lasting and full of love.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What am I grateful for in my relationship?
  2. How can I make my relationship even stronger?
  3. What do I need from my partner that I am not receiving? What else can I do for my partner?



Photo by AllGo – An App For Plus Size People on Unsplash